Tuesday, February 2


allô! ahhh honey star and milk are very tasty for an afternoon snack :9 i just ate that, because i was hungry lol, but ramen is good also (though its not healthy) hehehee. don't you feel that these days skies turn to dark faster than usual? i just got home like 5p.m (i wasn't see the clock) then i was thinking for a jog in 15mnts just for relax my muscles and my mind, but i got thought that it was already 6p.m because can't see the sun, i thought it was already set. hm maybe it because the weather is cloudy, so that's why aaahaha xD. school? hm school was fine. no more moans about assignments and homework (iguess) maybe it because i'm getting used to it (DUHH -_-) hahahahaha. uuh just found another dead mouse, huahahaha (lagian sih macem2 ckck) hahaha. mom has no mercy to a mouse, she just give a poison and food. really really cruel, that poison make the mouse blind slowly, so it'll search sunlight to see. and because it stay too long in the sunlight it'll die. ew really inhuman right? the poison called dora wkwkwkwkwk. poor mouse ckck. so don't even try to be a mouse, lol (what the heck am i saying? ckck). must shower now wkwk, always enjoy your life dudeeee, you wont regret it hahahaaa! au revoir! xx

'hoping that what i just heard about you it was true, was it?
was it true you said that?' my curiosity

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